Thursday, October 28, 2004

:>| don't let the rainnn, come down on meeee...!!! >:/

At 6.45pm i decide to go to the computer shop, to see about buying my DVD burner and a new hard disk (120Gb for the curious). The store happens to close at 7pm. driving like a maniac, dodging cars, getting pissed off at red lights, etc. I get there at 7pm, i find out the cost being 300 euros.

so, i come home...(7.10). I had 40 mins to kill, since my guitar lesson was only at 8pm...*or was it?*...SHIT! NO! It was at 7pm.

RUN! get the guitar, run out the door, down to the car, and...

it starts POURING on my head. i mean...literally, POURING.

get in the car, drenched, FUCK! loads of traffic! once again, dodging cars - BIG TIME - going fast as shit. If there was a "pouring down rain with loads of traffic in Lisbon" rally, id sure as shit be the winner. managed to get myself there in 10 mins. thank god.

Moral of the Story: dont believe people when they say the Boogie Man is having an affair with the Easter Bunny.


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